Sunday, January 4, 2009

Quanta Demonstrates 'Touchless' Touching

Posted Thursday, December 11, 2008 by

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Windows 7 is known for its multi-touch capabilities, and many are excited to develop implementations of this which will be effective and easy to use. Quanta has devised their Optical Touch technology so that people will be able to touch... but without touching.The Optical Touch tech relies on two webcams places at the top corners of a display. These cameras will watch your hands as they gesture and interpret the commands accordingly. No expensive touch screen with smudgy fingerprints all over it. Just your hands waving around. Interesting. There will be support for image rotation and screen zooming as well as standard cursor movement with this technology. Theoretically, it could be much cheaper and last much longer than a special touch screen, although we have a hard time believing it will be as responsive. Follow the jump for a video to see how all this might actually work. Via jkontherun. ´

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